Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe ALBANY, N.Y., May 29 (UPI) -- New York state Sen. Jose Serrano, D-New York, is at the forefront of a movement in the legislative body to forgo long ties for bowties. Serrano, who lost more than 60 pounds in honor of his 40th birthday, said he "wanted to try something new," so he started wearing bow ties instead of traditional long ties to the Senate chambers and other official functions, the Albany (N.Y.) Times Union reported Wednesday. Advertisement "Bow ties look better," Serrano said. "The long neckties can look a little sloppy ... I think you're going to see more members coming this way." The trend has already caught on with some staffers and lobbyists, as well as Sens. Bill Perkins and Kevin Parker, both New York Democrats. Perkins said he taught his legislative director Tom Briggs how to tie a bowtie. "It's become a staff unity thing," he said. "People say they'll wear a black bow tie for a formal occasion -- what's more formal that going into the Senate chamber?" Some Democratic members of the state Assembly said they grew a fondness for bow ties after posing for a group picture decked out in the accessories years ago to show support for Wayne Jackson, the chamber's longtime sergeant at arms and a well known fan of bow ties. Advertisement