
Man with Romney tattoo 'disappointed'

Credit: Eric Hartsburg/Facebook
Credit: Eric Hartsburg/Facebook

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INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 13 (UPI) -- An Indiana man who had Mitt Romney's campaign logo tattooed on his face in the weeks leading up to the election said he is "totally disappointed."

Eric Hartsburg, 30, who had his face tattooed with the Romney/Ryan double-"R" logo a couple weeks before President Barack Obama won re-election, said Tuesday's vote did not end the way he'd hoped, Politico reported Tuesday.


"Totally disappointed, man," Hartsburg said. "I'm the guy who has egg all over his face, but instead of egg, it's a big Romney/Ryan tattoo. It's there for life."

He said his wife, also a supporter of the Republican ticket, was "taken aback" by his tattoo plans, but his 15-year-old son was "all about it."

Hartsburg said he raised $5,000 on eBay before getting the tattoo.

Hartsburg, who describes himself as a professional wrestler, said he is hoping the tattoo "opens some other doors in the entertainment business."

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