Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe IRVINE, Calif., Oct. 30 (UPI) -- An animal rights group is asking a California city to put up a sign acknowledging the suffering of fish that died in a traffic incident. Irvine resident Dina Kourda wrote a letter to city officials on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals asking for a sign to be placed at the site of the October crash to recognize the suffering of hundreds of saltwater bass that died when a truck carrying the fish collided with two other vehicles Oct. 11, The Orange County Register reported Tuesday. Advertisement Kourda said she wants the sign to remind truck drivers of their responsibility to the animals who are "hauled to their deaths every day." "Although such signs are traditionally reserved for human fatalities, I hope you'll make an exception because of the enormous suffering involved in this case," the letter read. "Research tells us that fish use tools, tell time, sing, and have impressive long-term memories and complex social structures. Yet fish used for food are routinely crushed, impaled, cut open, and gutted, all while still conscious. Sparing them from being tossed from a speeding truck and slowly dying from injuries and suffocation seems the least that we can do," Kourda wrote. Advertisement