Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe HOUSTON, July 24 (UPI) -- A University of Florida student said he will attempt the "joggling" world record by running a mile while juggling five objects in Houston. Matthew Feldman, an engineering student, said he plans to attempt the Guinness World Record at the Rice University track at 7 p.m. Friday, WKMG-TV, Orlando, Fla., reported Tuesday. Advertisement Feldman said he is targeting the record of 7 minutes, 41 seconds for "joggling" -- jogging and juggling simultaneously -- a mile set by Bill Gillen. Feldman said his record attempt will also raise money and awareness for victims of last year's tsunami in Japan. Read More Knitters to cover airplane weather vane City disapproves of bikini parade plans 72 nationalities gather on Ferris wheel World's lightest material is created Volvo nears 3 million mile mark Arizona water fight breaks world record