Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe JACKSON, Mich., May 7 (UPI) -- The founder of Michigan's Jackson Historic Prison Tour said tourists have been flocking in to see the 7-Block at the former State Prison of Southern Michigan. Judy Gail Krasnow, who successfully lobbied state officials last year to have 7-Block added to the tour of the prison, which closed in 2007, said 400 tourists took the tour in 2008 and 3,200 people came out to see the prison last year, after the infamous block was added, the Detroit Free Press reported Monday. Advertisement Krasnow said 7-Block is notorious for housing Dr. Jack Kevorkian when he first arrived at the prison and for holding hundreds of men, women and children during the 1967 Detroit riot. The tour founder said the prison is rife with stories. "I want to raise the spirit of Jackson's prison past," Krasnow said. "It's not an embarrassment. It's history." Read More Experts: Ravi media tour carries risks MSNBC to air Conrad Murray documentary Gov't gives tour of Pvt. Manning's prison Ex-Gov. Edwards may go on speaking tour