Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 22 (UPI) -- Residents of Vancouver, Wash., reported seeing a saucer-shaped object with red and green lights hovering low in the sky, authorities said. The lights brought several people out of their homes in the city's Clear Meadows neighborhood around 6:45 p.m. Sunday, The (Vancouver) Columbian reported. Advertisement "It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen," resident Gary Moore said. Dispatchers with 911 confirmed at least one report of an object sighting. Officials at the National UFO Reporting Center said they did not receive any reports. A spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration office in Seattle said he didn't have any information available. Residents said the object didn't resemble the planes they typically see flying out of the city's Pearson Field airport. "At first I thought it was a high firework through the tree branches," Kathy Plamondon said in an e-mail to the Columbian. "As I stepped out of my front door -- facing east -- to help load grandbabies in parents' car, I saw that it was not going out or falling from the air, as fireworks would." Moore said the object appeared stationary, except for occasional side-to-side movements. Advertisement "It was almost like someone was controlling it from the ground," he said. "Airplanes come over all the time," he said. "This isn't that."