Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe TOOWOOMBA, Australia, Dec. 7 (UPI) -- An Australian man who married his 5-year-old Labrador in a city park said his relationship with the canine is "pure love" and "not sexual." Joseph Guiso of Toowoomba wed Honey the Labrador in a ceremony Monday while surrounded by 30 close friends and family in Laurel Bank Park, The (Toowoomba) Chronicle reported Tuesday. Advertisement "You're my best friend and you make every part of my day better," Guiso said in his vows. "It's not sexual," he said after the ceremony. "It's just pure love." Guiso described himself as a "religious guy" who could not handle the guilt of living with his love out of wedlock. Read More Man marries dog to make up for dog killing Girl marries dog