Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe SPOKANE, Wash., June 16 (UPI) -- Frustrated residents of a Washington city say they want to get rid of the turkeys that have overrun a three block area. Butch and Arlene Dawson of Spokane said the turkeys have been a nuisance for years, blocking roads and ripping up flower beds, and officials have not done anything about the birds, KXLY-TV, Spokane, reported Wednesday. Advertisement "They're running all over yards, pooping in driveways. You track it in. When you go to the mailbox, you step in it," Arlene Dawson said. The couple said they have talked to groups including local animal control and the state Department of Fish and Game but no agencies have been willing to take action against the turkeys. Butch Dawson said the turkeys originated with neighbor Kelly Smith. However, Smith said he owned the neighborhood's original turkey, but takes no responsibility for the others. "They're not my turkeys. They're God's turkeys," Smith said.