Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe ORTING, Wash., Feb. 3 (UPI) -- A Washington state man has filed an initiative to change the Seal of State to a well-dressed tapeworm "attached to the taxpayer's rectum." James Vaughn of Orting filed an initiative this week with the office of Secretary of State Sam Reed to replace the current seal, an image of George Washington, to a picture of "a tapeworm dressed in a three-pieced suit attached to the taxpayer's rectum," The Seattle Times reported Wednesday. Advertisement The papers filed by Vaughn, which include a few pages complaining about the taxes paid by residents and business in the state, said the tapeworm image would be surrounded by the grammatically awkward phrase: "Committee to sucking the life out of each and every tax payer." Reed spokesman David Ammons wrote in the office's blog that such initiatives are not uncommon. "For five bucks and an idea, anyone can file an Initiative to the People -- and they do. Most are very serious, while others can be kooky or simply send a message," he said.