Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Oct. 19 (UPI) -- Authorities in Alabama said a man mistakenly received more than $19,000 in parking tickets because of his vanity license plate, which reads "XXXXXXX." Scottie Roberson, 38, of Huntsville, Ala., said he began receiving the tickets from police in Birmingham, Ala., where he has only been once in the past five years, about a year ago and the number of citations reached as high as 10 in a single day, the Birmingham News reported Monday. Advertisement Roberson said the seven X's license plate is a reference to his old nickname, "Racer X." However, Birmingham city officials said the license plate has a second meaning on paper, as parking patrol cars use seven X's in the place of a license number for cars parked illegally without plates. City spokeswoman April Odom said officials are working to dismiss the fines and correct the system to prevent Roberson from receiving anymore mistaken tickets. "Maybe we need to go with nine X's, or maybe we just need to leave that part blank altogether," Birmingham Traffic Engineer Gregory Dawkins said.