
Banner tells Miller to stick to singles

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MALIBU, Calif., Aug. 11 (UPI) -- A California millionaire paid for a banner to be flown over a beach after seeing former Indiana Pacer Reggie Miller hitting on his girlfriend, sources said.

Multiple sources told the New York Post that Alex von Furstenberg, 38, arranged for a plane to fly over beaches Saturday in Malibu and Santa Monica while trailing a banner reading: "Reggie Miller Stop Pursuing Married Women!"


The unmarried woman in question, von Furstenberg's 25-year-old fiancee, Ali Kay, sent two provocative photos to Miller during a flirtation that lasted for three months, said Marty Singer, Miller's lawyer.

"This is a ridiculous and absurd story about a single girl who exchanged text messages with Reggie Miller," Singer said.

He said the two had "only met twice, and briefly," but started frequently exchanging messages via phone in March.

"I was very upset about Reggie's behavior towards my fiancee," von Furstenberg said. "I think people in Malibu share my views that being a famous basketball player should not provide some sort of shield against inappropriate behavior."

Singer said Miller and von Furstenberg have agreed to meet in person to resolve their differences.


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