Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe FEDERAL WAY, Wash., Nov. 28 (UPI) -- A Washington state teen who turned in a satchel containing a customer's life savings says he wouldn't be much of a Sunday school teacher if he had kept the bag. Moisei "Moses" Baraniuc, who found the canvas bag in the restroom of the supermarket in Federal Way where he works as a bagger, is also a Sunday school teacher at First Ukrainian Baptist Church and knew he was a role model to impressionable 10-year-olds. Advertisement "I can't be teaching little kids not to do it if I'm doing it," the 17-year-old told the Tacoma (Wash.) Tribune. The Tribune reported Friday that Baraniuc admits he thought for a minute about keeping the bag, but instead took it to his manager who counted out $10,000 in $100 and $50 bills and then reported the find to police. The owner of the bag contacted the store later that day and promised the honest young man a reward. "Right now, I have everything I need," Moses summed up.