
Listeners complain after 'Deport' contest

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PERTH, Australia, Nov. 14 (UPI) -- A Perth, Australia, radio station has drawn complaints for a competition that reunited long-lost relatives only to rip them back apart.

The "Dearly Departed" contest on FM 92.9's "Em and Wippa Show" involved long-lost relatives of Perth residents flown into the city and subjected to a series of three questions, Perth Now reported Friday.


If the relatives failed to answer all three questions correctly, they were taken back to the airport after only scant moments with their long-lost kin.

A number of listeners wrote to complain to the station after a Thursday broadcast involved two sisters who were separated again after a sister flown in from Ireland failed to answer all three questions correctly.

"I am disgusted in what occurred this morning and I have no hesitation in changing radio stations because messing with people's minds is something that I don't support," a listener who identified herself as Michelle wrote to the station.

Officials with the radio station said they decided after the broadcast to allow the woman to remain in Perth despite her failure to answer the questions.

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