
Portable urinal disguised as golf club

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MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Nov. 12 (UPI) -- A Miami Beach, Fla., urologist said he has invented a stealth urinal resembling a golf club for players too busy to stop their game to relieve themselves.

Dr. Floyd Seskin, 49, said he invented the UroClub, which is designed to look like a 7-iron and fit in a golf bag, after hearing a story from a former patient about having to relieve himself in the woods during golf games due to his prostate condition, the New York Daily News reported Wednesday.


"I wanted people to feel a level of comfort," Seskin said. "Worry where the pin is, not where's the next bathroom."

The urologist-turned-inventor said the UroClub features a wide opening on the top and a handle that can hold about a half a liter of liquid. He said it comes with a golf towel that can attach to the club and a golfer's belt for privacy.

"You can do it anywhere," Seskin said. "It looks like you're practicing your swing or something."

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