
Walking house to stroll in England

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BOURN, England, Oct. 22 (UPI) -- Danish and U.S. designers said a home they created with the ability to walk using six hydraulic legs will take its maiden hike in England.

Designers from the N55 art collective in Copenhagen, Denmark, and engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said their 10-foot-tall solar and wind powered walking home will take its first public walk Thursday at the Wysing Arts Center in Bourn, England, The Daily Telegraph reported Wednesday.


The creators said each of the house's legs work off independent power sources and controls. They said the legs are designed to keep at least three supports on the ground at all times.

"This house is not just for travelers but also for anyone interested in a more general way of nomadic living," said N55's Oivind Slaatto, who said he plans to live in the house when it makes its return trip to Copenhagen.

The prototype walking home cost about $60,000 to build but the designers said future models could be made for far less money.

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