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Honey wall tips man off to 60,000 bees

CONCORD, N.C., June 16 (UPI) -- A North Carolina man says he found out he was sharing his home with about 60,000 bees after he noticed honey oozing out a wall.


Mark Jones said he learned about the bees after tasting a mysterious liquid coming out of a wall in his Concord, N.C., home.

He was surprised to find out the liquid was honey produced by thousands of bees living behind the wall, WYFF-TV in Greenville, S.C., reported.

"I came over here and dipped my finger in it and tasted it. Sure enough, it was honey coming out of the wall," Jones said.

Beekeepers removed most of the insects with a vacuum Sunday after Jones and his wife decided it wasn't right to kill them, the newspaper said.

Keepers said the leftover bees will leave soon because they no longer have a hive there.


Hawaii McDonald's use remote ordering

HONOLULU, June 16 (UPI) -- McDonald's Restaurants of Hawaii says more than half of the chain's fast-food outlets in the state use a Texas call center to take drive-through orders.

Melanie Okazaki of McDonald's in Hawaii said the remote ordering system was first tested in 2006 and began expanding in 2007, KITV in Honolulu reported Monday.

"We want to make sure that our customers get their orders right and they get them in the most convenient way possible," Okazaki said.

She said employees at the call center in El Paso, Texas, require special training to comprehend local phrases and accents.

"It takes a little getting used to on the order-taker's side, but I think with practice, they become more and more comfortable working with our local clientele," Okazaki said.

Political memorabilia sales spike

NEW YORK, June 16 (UPI) -- As the race for U.S. president moves forward, sellers and manufacturers of humorous, creative political memorabilia say their business is booming.

Mort Berkowitz, who owns Bold Concepts in New York, said he has created 700 variations of political buttons as sales spike during the campaign, the New York Post reported Monday.

"I have over 150 different (Sen. Barack) Obama buttons. I've sold 110,000 Obama buttons, 30,000 Hillary Clinton buttons and 10,000 John McCain buttons," Berkowitz told the newspaper.


He said his most popular button feature Clinton's image with the words "Don't tell mama, I'm votin' for Obama."

Berkowitz said most of his merchandise is purchased by political organizations and many of his items will be seen at the nearing national conventions.

Dentist allegedly seeks sexual favors

GENOA, Italy, June 16 (UPI) -- Italian officials say they are on the lookout for a dentist who allegedly posted an Internet ad offering women dental work for sexual favors.

''Dentist, 40, offers free dental care of the highest order to attractive and laid-back single or married women who know how to make the most of their qualities,'' the ad reads.

A journalist said she covertly filmed a meeting with the frisky dentist, ANSA reported Monday.

Enrico Bartolini of the Genoa medical guild said he planned to call on the newspaper to help find the suspect so he can be disbarred.

He said the incident comes after several recent scandals linked to the country's medical profession.

''I will move cautiously but I will get to the bottom of this unsavory affair, which puts the medical profession in a bad light at a time when it is already under fire,'' Bartolini said.


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