
Meteorite fails to draw high bids

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NEW YORK, Oct. 29 (UPI) -- A piece of famous space rock -- a meteorite -- was pulled from a New York auction after it failed to generate high enough bids.

The 30-pound piece of the Willamette Meteorite, which was found in 1902 in Oregon, peaked at a $300,000 bid, despite expectations that it would bring in up to $1.3 million at Bonhams auction house, the New York Post reported Monday.


However, a total of $750,000 was brought in by other space rocks and related items at the auction.

The "Claxton mailbox," a mailbox that was hit by a falling space rock outside a Georgia home in 1894, fetched $82,750 at the auction.

The 164-pound Campo del Cielo Meteorite, which fell from the sky in Argentina in 1576, was purchased for $14,000 in the sale.

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