Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe JUNEAU, Dec. 13 (UPI) -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has announced she will sell the state jet purchased by her predecessor to the highest bidder on the eBay online auction site. Palin said the Westwind II, which was bought on orders from former Gov. Frank Murkowski despite objections from the state legislature, is not versatile enough to meet the needs of the Alaska Department of Public Safety, the Anchorage Daily News reported Wednesday. Advertisement The governor said she would consult the department and the legislature about a more versatile aircraft that can be used for the transportation of prisoners and other needs. "This is big enough and symbolic enough of an item that the legislature should have their say," she said. Getting rid of the jet was a promise Palin made on the campaign trail, and she said the state will seek other options if the aircraft fails to sell on eBay.