Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe OSLO, Norway, July 17 (UPI) -- A Norwegian bus driver had an eventful summer holiday when fragments of a meteorite landed on his property. Ragnar Martinsen was in the outhouse of his cabin at Rygge when he heard an explosion, the newspaper Aftenposten reported. He assumed the news was some sort of military exercise until he emerged and found that some aluminum plates left outside had picked up tiny pieces of rock. Advertisement Martinsen still did not realize he had received dust from outer space until his brother-in-law told him that the explosion he had heard was a meteorite coming down over Oslo. He called Knut Jorgen Roed Odegaard at the University of Oslo and Morten Bilet of the Norwegian Astronomical Society, and they trekked out to the cabin. "This is Norway's 14th meteorite, but we've never heard about a meteorite landing so close to a person before," Bilet told Aftenposten. Martinsen gave the meteorite fragments to the two astronomers for the museum.