Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe Tulsa Zoo adds creationism display TULSA, Okla., June 27 (UPI) -- City officials say the Tulsa Zoo must place a creationism display near an existing exhibit of evolutionary science. Advertisement The zoo's governing body voted 3 to 1 this month to require the creationism display, pointing to other zoo displays that show elements of Hinduism, pantheism, American Indian and New Age relgions. "The zoo opened Pandora's Box," zoo board member Dan Hicks told the Dallas Morning News, "by bringing in other religious material." Supporters of the decision see it as an issue of fairness and a victory over forces they claim are working to stamp Christianity from American life, the newspaper said. Board member Dale McNamara, who voted against the display, said religion does not belong in the zoo. "I just feel there are times and places for religion and there are times and places for science," he told the newspaper. Advertisement Sydney Butler, head of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association, said zoos and aquariums are products of their own communities. "The mores and beliefs of those communities will naturally seep their way into and be reflected by a cultural institution like a zoo," said Butler. Third of Canadians believe 'da Vinci Code' TORONTO, Ontario, June 27 (UPI) -- One in three Canadians who have read the novel "The Da Vinci Code," believe there are descendants of Jesus alive today, a survey found. They also believe a secret society exists dedicated to keeping Jesus' bloodline a secret, according to a National Geographic Channel poll. The survey of 1,005 Canadian adults, conducted by Decima Research Inc., was commissioned by cable's National Geographic Channel. "Dan Brown's thriller was such a phenomenal success because readers felt they were being let in on an explosive historical secret," said Vanessa Case, vice president of programming of National Geographic Channel and Life Network. "It is obvious that 'The Da Vinci Code' has had a huge impact on Canadians and their beliefs." Nearly one in five Canadians have read "The Da Vinci Code." Web site mixes dating and golf HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, June 27 (UPI) -- A new Halifax, Nova Scotia,-based Internet dating service is geared specifically towards golfers seeking people who share their passion for golf. Advertisement Recently separated Web site co-founder Gary Kelly came up with the idea when discussing new ways to meet interesting people with friend Mike Wyman, an avid golfer. The pair became business partners and created "We want to be much more than a static database of names and photos," said Kelly. "We want to create a safe and dynamic online community where people come to share their passion for golf." Kelly and Wyman believe many singles have been frustrated with their online dating experience and that many golfers will find the mutual interest aspect of their site a more effective means of building a relationship. "DateAGolfer does deliver what it promises: new friends, or a network of friends to play golf with," Kelly said. July 5: Busiest day for animal control SACRAMENTO, June 27 (UPI) -- Many pets in the United States are frightened by noisy July Fourth celebrations and try to break through their normal security and run away. "July 5 is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters," said California Veterinary Medical Association President Jon Klingborg, a veterinarian. "Identification is critical. Pet owners must make sure each animal has easily recognizable ID." Advertisement The CVMA urges pet owners to pay extra attention to their animals' safety and protection during July Fourth celebrations. The group advises pet owners to: look for signs like shaking and trembling; barking and howling; excessive drooling; attempting to hide; refusing food; and trying to escape the house, fence, or enclosure. Frightened horses have been known to jump over, or even run through, fences, resulting in serious injuries, lacerations, or impalement, Klingborg said.