
English jump on porridge bandwagon

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LONDON, Jan. 18 (UPI) -- Porridge, once considered prison food, has risen to the second-most favorite breakfast fare in England -- behind Weetabix.

The public has been convinced about the health benefits of oatmeal, and microwaveable varieties have added appeal for time-strapped breakfast consumers, an official with the British Nutrition Foundation told the London Mirror.


"People used to avoid porridge but now they realize it's quite tasty," Anne Nugent said of the meal many once considered to be food fit only for prisoners.

U.S.-based Quaker Oats Co. introduced microwaveable oatmeal in 1998, producing noticeable rises in sales that prompted other oatmeal makers to follow suit.

English sales of porridge oats topped $148 million in 2004, second only to the $156 million in sales for the flagship brand of British-based Weetabix Ltd.

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