Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe NORTH BARRINGTON, Ill., Dec. 1 (UPI) -- North Barrington, Ill., wants deer gone from the Chicago suburb, but its residents didn't find the solution offered by rocker Ted Nugent to be endearing. The village last week voted to let bow hunters to kill about 20 deer after residents complained about deer tearing up landscaping. Advertisement But one critic called it dangerous to hunt in a populated area and likened bow hunters to "six-pack swilling fans of Ted Nugent," reports WBBM-TV, Chicago. Whereupon, the controversial rocker offered to personally take care of the deer population. "All they got to do is give me a call, and I'll whack 'em and stack 'em and kill 'em and grill 'em and celebrate with the venison party God has blessed us with," Nugent said. Nugent called critics of deer hunting ignorant, citing the growing number of drivers killed in deadly crashes involving deer.