Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe WINNIPEG, Manitoba, Oct. 1 (UPI) -- Politicians and taxpayers groups in Canada are fuming Wednesday over a publicly funded display of art made from a woman's pubic hair and toenails. The Winnipeg exhibit by artist Aliza Amihude is set to open Thursday night, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. said. Advertisement Amihude received a grant of $5,000 from the Manitoba Arts Council to put on the display. The all-natural exhibit also includes pieces made from her toenails, mouse droppings and dead insects. She told The Winnipeg Sun she is trying to put "wow" into people's lives with her art. The jewelry ranges in price from $360 for a pubic-hair necklace in the shape of female genitalia to $3,000 for a diamond necklace. A spokeswoman for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation said the grant to Amihude was "a complete waste of money." Mavis Taillieu, the Progressive Conservative critic for culture, heritage and tourism, said she's certain there are artists more deserving of public money.