Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe WE'RE IN THE MONEY A young Georgia woman says she doesn't know what she's going to do, now that she's a multi-millionaire. Advertisement Ericka Greene, 20, a first-time player, arrived at the Georgia Lottery Corp. headquarters in Atlanta Wednesday to claim her share of the $331 million Big Game jackpot she won during Tuesday night's drawing. Greene, who works for a cell-phone company, bought her lucky ticket at a Dacula, Ga., gas station-convenience store down the road from where she lives with her family. Each winning ticket is worth one-third of the prize -- $110,333,333 before taxes as a 26-year annuity. Greene opted for a single cash-payment of $58.9 million, before taxes. After presenting lottery officials with her ticket, Green went off with her boyfriend and her mother to buy a car. The other two winning tickets were sold in Bridgeview, Ill., a suburb southwest of Chicago, and in Union City, N.J., across the Hudson River from New York. So far, there's been no sign of those winners. Advertisement "They may have a lot of family to tell," said Lori Montana, director of the Illinois State Lottery. "I hope that they're letting their family know and that they're taking some time to get some good financial advice." DEE SNIDER'S 'FILTHY FIFTEEN' In 1985, Dee Snider was on Tipper Gore's you-know-what list. Snider and his band, Twisted Sister, were in the middle of the controversy over rock music lyrics spearheaded by Gore and the PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center). The PMRC placed Twisted Sister and its hit song "We're Not Going to Take It" on its list of 15 songs they considered offensive. The songs came to be known in the media as the "Filthy Fifteen." Snider was among an eclectic group of artists who testified before a Senate panel about the harmful effects of the PMRC's activities and demands. On Sunday (at 9 p.m. ET/PT), Snider will portray himself in the VH1 original movie "Warning: Parental Advisory," a comedic spin on the war on "porn rock" led by Gore and the PMRC. In honor of the movie, Snider has come up with his own "filthy fifteen": "Not because they necessarily deserve it, but because ultra-conservative, short-sighted judgmental a--holes assume they do," he explained. Advertisement His list (in no order): 1. BRITNEY SPEARS "Slave 4 U" 2. CHRISTINA AGUILERA, L'IL KIM, MYA and PINK "Lady Marmalade" 3. DMX "Where's My N--gaz" . 4. EMINEM "Kim" 5. JAY-Z "Super Ugly" 6. KID ROCK "Paid" 7. CUSTOM "Hey Mister" 8. MARILYN MANSON "The Reflecting God" 9. MYSTIKAL "Shake Your A--" 10. NINE INCH NAILS "Closer" 11. ROB ZOMBIE "House of 1000 Corpses" 12. SHAGGY "It Wasn't Me" 13. SLIPKNOT "People - S--t" 14. Anything by SNOOP DOGGY DOG 15. SYSTEM OF A DOWN "Chop Suey" ANIMAL STORY A member of the Ozzy Osbourne family has gone missing and they're willing to pay to get him back. Pippi, the family's little black Pomeranian, has been AWOL from the family's Beverly Hills, Calif., home for several weeks now, Kelly Osbourne, daughter of rocker Ozzy, tells MTV News. A $500 reward is being offered for any information leading to the canine's retrieval. The dog has been shown among the supporting cast of the popular reality show "The Osbournes." REASONS TO CELEBRATE TODAY: THURSDAY: This is National Teach Children To Save Day. (Web site: Today is Pet Owners Independence Day. Stay home from work and send your pet in your place. (Web site: Advertisement And it's Independence Day in Zimbabwe. (Thanks to Chase's 2002 Calendar of Events) BY THE WAY... It was on this date in 1923 that Yankee Stadium opened in New York City. Who dubbed it "The House That Ruth Built" --referring to baseball player Babe Ruth? It was a New York Evening Telegram sportswriter, Fred Lieb, who first described Yankee Stadium as "The House That Ruth Built."