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Prince Charles on his way to be admitted as Freeman of the City of London at Guildhall
Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, dressed in the ceremonial uniform of Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Regiment of Wales, is accompanied by his sister, Princess Anne, on the drive from Buckingham Palace to the Guildhall for the traditional ceremony admitting him as a Freeman of the City of London. The Prince was received at the Guildhall - with all the pomp and splendor of this 700-year-old civic ceremony - by the Lord Mayor of London, the Aldermen and Sheriffs, Gog and Magog, Sword and Mace, gilded robes and lace cravats, Fletchers, Tallow Chandlers and all the other ancient mysteries of London. On the previous day, Prince Charles had accepted the Freedom and had been elected to the Livery of the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers (one of the great and traditional Livery Companies of the City of London). Now, during the Guildhall ceremony, he was presented by the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers and made the declaration of a Freeman , promising to be good and true to the Queen; obedient to the Lord Mayor; and to keep the City harmless. He also signed the Roll of Fame, which was opened in 1740 and includes the signatures of Garibaldi, Disraeli , Nehru - and Queen Elizabeth II. No date (1972?) (UPI Photo/British Informaton Services/Files)
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