
"Up in the Air" Premiere (30 images)

Actress Cindy Crawford, a cast member in the motion picture dramatic comedy "Up In The Air", attends the premiere of the film with her husband Randy Gerber in Los Angeles on November 30, 2009. UPI/Jim Ruymen
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Actress Cindy Crawford, a cast member in the motion picture dramatic comedy "Up In The Air", attends the premiere of the film with her husband Randy Gerber in Los Angeles on November 30, 2009. UPI/Jim Ruymen
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Actress Cindy Crawford, a cast member in the motion picture dramatic comedy "Up In The Air", attends the premiere of the film with her husband Randy Gerber in Los Angeles on November 30, 2009. UPI/Jim Ruymen
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Actor Jason Bateman, a cast member in the motion picture dramatic comedy "Up In The Air", attends the premiere of the film in Los Angeles on November 30, 2009. UPI/Jim Ruymen
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Actor Jason Bateman, a cast member in the motion picture dramatic comedy "Up In The Air", attends the premiere of the film with his wife Anna Anka in Los Angeles on November 30, 2009. UPI/Jim Ruymen
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Actor J.K. Simmons, a cast member in the motion picture dramatic comedy "Up In The Air", attends the premiere of the film in Los Angeles on November 30, 2009. UPI/Jim Ruymen
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