
Sexually transmitted infections continue to rise, CDC says

The CDC said that sexually transmitted infections reached record highs in 2021. Photo by James Gathany/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention via Wikimedia Commons
The CDC said that sexually transmitted infections reached record highs in 2021. Photo by James Gathany/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention via Wikimedia Commons

April 11 (UPI) -- Sexually transmitted infections hit a record high in 2021, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

A new report published on Tuesday found that a total of 2.53 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis were recorded in 2021. That number is up 5.8% from 2020.


Some STIs such as syphilis saw their highest numbers in more than 70 years. The 176,713 syphilis cases recorded in 2021 were the highest since 217,558 in 1950, according to the CDC.

Gonorrhea and chlamydia rates also increased 4% from the previous year, however cases of chlamydia have not reached pre-pandemic levels.

"The U.S. STI epidemic shows no signs of slowing," Leandro Mena, director of CDC's Division of STD Prevention, said in a statement. "The reasons for the ongoing increases are multifaceted -- and so are the solutions."

The CDC recommended expanding local public health services and making testing and treatment more available.

"It will take many of us working together to effectively use new and existing tools, to increase access to quality sexual healthcare services for more people, and to encourage ongoing innovation and prioritization of STI prevention and treatment in this country," Mena said.


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