MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Aug. 12 (UPI) -- Fifty-five percent of U.S. moms with school-age kids say they are stressed out by the idea of shopping for and packing school lunches, a survey indicates.
However, the survey for, conducted by Harris Interactive, indicated dads are helping get kids out the door to school -- 55 percent of men said they regularly pack school lunches for their kids, compared with 43 percent of the moms.
But less than half of parents said they made lunches for their children more than three times a week, the survey said.
Fifty-six percent of parents of school-age kids go for convenience and purchase pre-made items and snacks rather than making their own to add to a brown bag lunch, but that number increased to 69 percent among younger parents ages 18-34.
Jeanette Pavini, household savings expert for, said to streamline school lunches skip pricey ice packs and freeze a juice box or water bottle instead because it saves room and will thaw by lunch.
"Make your own trail mix with pantry leftovers like cereal, raisins, pretzels, fruit snacks and a few candies as a treat," Pavini said in a statement. commissioned Harris Interactive to conduct the online survey July 20-24 among 2,208 U.S. adults. No margin of error was provided.