
Infants and toddlers should see dentist

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. 29 (UPI) -- Infants may only have a few teeth but U.S. dental experts say they should been seen by a dentist within the first year of life.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry's revised guidelines on infant oral health recommend infants 6 to 12 months old should to be seen by a dentist.


Paul Casamassimo, chief of dentistry at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, said more than 40 percent of children have tooth decay by the time they reach kindergarten, so parents should schedule dental appointments for infants and toddlers.

"Infant oral health is the foundation for preventing future tooth decay," Casamassimo said in a statement. "If a child experiences tooth decay at an early age, it is a very difficult process to stop. The purpose of this initial visit is not only to introduce these toddlers to visiting the dentist, but also to provide preventative information to prevent tooth decay."

Studies have shown if children experience tooth decay in their baby teeth, they are more likely to develop tooth decay in their permanent teeth.

"By establishing the relationship between family and dentist, parents learn early on how to take care of their toddler's teeth," Casamassimo said. "Taking a proactive approach to infant oral care can make a difference that will last a life time."


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