
Words getting in the way of health debate

WASHINGTON, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- U.S. policymakers need to understand that both individual choices and societal factors affect weight status, weight experts say.

A group of weight and health experts assembled by the Strategies to Overcome and Prevent Obesity Alliance said words weigh down America's ability to improve its health via better weight outcomes.


The alliance, working with the National Eating Disorders Association, developed new weight and health discussion guidelines to help policymakers more responsibly address weight-related health issues.

Alliance Director Christine Ferguson said the recommendations call for policymakers to responsibly address weight and health by adhering to evidence-based principles when discussing and developing weight-related health policies:

-- Weight is about health, not appearance.

-- Weight status does not necessarily reflect health status.

-- It takes more than willpower to maintain a healthy weight; a strong support system is necessary.

-- Body size and shape are influenced by inherited and environmental factors.

-- Body mass index is one of many factors in determining a person's weight status as it relates to health.

-- Incremental and sustained weight loss advised by a doctor is safe and healthy, whereas crash diets are dangerous and can contribute to negative health outcomes.


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