
Half of men say they'll drop a fat partner

NEW YORK, July 27 (UPI) -- Almost 48 percent of American men say they would dump their partner is she gained weight, an survey indicates.

The survey of the Web site indicates 78 percent of men say they can tell if a woman is faking an orgasm and 50 percent of men say the lied about their number of sexual partners.


More than 70,000 of men and their female counterparts responded to the Great Male Survey and the Great Female Survey on's partner site

Seventy-four percent of men say "sexting" is cheating if in a relationship, 27 percent say they believe in angels and 17 percent say they think revolution "is the best way to reboot the economy."

The survey asked men if they were filthy rich and single, what kind of car would you buy?

Forty-six percent say they would choose a sports car, 22 say a luxury sedan, 8 percent say a sport utility vehicle, 8 percent say a motorcycle, 7 percent say a convertible, 6 percent say a truck and 3 percent a hybrid.

Sixty-eight percent of men say they own one to three suits, 16 percent say none, 12 percent say four to six suits, 3 percent own seven to nine suits and 1 percent own 10 suits or more.


The entire survey results are at: and at

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