
LA doesn't have to require porn condoms

LOS ANGELES, July 16 (UPI) -- A California court ruled Los Angeles County health officials don't have to mandate the use of condoms by porn actors.

The ruling from the Second District Court of Appeals dismissed a lawsuit from AIDS activists who had demanded the county require condoms as a means of slowing the spread of the disease within the industry.


The three-judge panel said the county was not obligated to act to advance the "agenda" of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, the Los Angeles Times said Saturday.

"The foundation's public policy advocacy is better directed at lawmakers to change the laws and workplace regulations," the panel wrote in a 15-page opinion issued Friday.

The foundation said the department should be obligated to act to stem the spread of AIDS among adult movie performers. The activists said the "lack of protection equipment for performers" resulted in thousands of documented cases of sexually transmitted diseases that added up to an epidemic.

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