
Frequent urination a sign of medical issue

ROCHESTER, Minn., May 10 (UPI) -- Frequent urination often indicates a medical condition, so any increase in trips to the bathroom merits a trip to the doctor, says a U.S. newsletter.

One cause of frequent urination is urinary-tract infection. Symptoms can include burning with urination, foul-smelling urine, fever and pelvic pain, according to the Mayo Clinic Health Letter.


Other common causes of frequent urination include:

-- Diuretics and other medications.

-- Weakening of the muscles of the bladder, urethra and pelvic floor.

-- For men, an enlarged or infected prostate can lead to urgency and frequent urination, especially at night.

-- Treating cancers near the bladder may damage the bladder wall.

-- Bladder cancer, as well as bladder stones or bladder inflammation.

-- When diabetes causes excess blood sugar to be excreted into urine, it draws water from the body's tissues, increasing the need to urinate.

-- Diseases that cause kidney decline.

-- A weak heart, which can't pump blood efficiently, causes fluids to build up in the body, causing frequent urination.

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