1 of 4 | Cesar Milan discusses human training. Photo courtesy of Halo Collar
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 1 (UPI) -- January is National Train Your Dog Month, but noted "dog whisperer" Cesar Millan said it should be called Train Your Human Month.
"Human training is year-round for me," Millan told UPI in a recent Zoom interview. "We need to make sure the human has the knowledge to be able to train."
Millan said the human must present the right energy, philosophy and actions to imprint upon the canine. That's why Millan's latest TV show is called Better Human Better Dog. The second half of the show's second season premieres Jan. 6 on Nat Geo Wild.
"For that human to be successful at home, I have to clean their energy," Millan said.
One simple adjustment Millan makes is advising about the way a dog owner walks. He said that by the person walking with confidence, rather than passively hunched over, the dog will be more receptive to follow the lead.
Though Millan offers services to dog owners all year, he recognizes that January is a good time to designate a month for training because many people will receive a puppy for Christmas. Also, with people making New Year's resolutions, Millan hopes dog owners will include ones to set a good example for their pet.
"We have to make sure the human is better for the dog to reflect what the human became," Millan said.
One tool Millan co-founded to assist humans is the Halo collar. It uses sound and vibration to keep dogs within an area designated by GPS coordinates, or a Bluetooth "Beacon" indoors.
Millan said humans must get their dogs into one of two states of mind to introduce the collar. If the dog is in a mode of calm surrender, or happy go-lucky, it will be most receptive to receiving the collar.
"The dog has to feel that when you put on a leash or a collar that he's winning a gold medal in the Olympics," Millan said. "He's so proud of wearing it. Only good comes out every time he wears that collar, and that's how you create a good imprint."
Prayer, meditation, yoga or simple silence can lead a dog to a state of calm surrender, Millan said. Playing and treats can lead to the happy, go-lucky mindset, but he cautions about rewarding canine behaviors too soon.
"Most people give affection too soon," Millan said. "The dog has to learn to earn the food, the toy or the affection."
The Halo collar has 10 intensity settings. Millan said settings 0 to 5 use gentler sounds and vibrations to guide the dog.
If the dog does not follow the milder settings, he said it may be necessary to turn up the intensity. Settings 6 to 10 create static stimulation intended to guide the dog back down to milder settings.
"It's not for the purpose of hurting," Millan said. "It's for the purpose of snapping the brain out of it. Don't look at the deer. Don't look at the cat. Just snap out of it."
Millan said the Halo collar can also train dogs to stay away from other pets, like cats, or other people who are afraid of dogs. If you set the Beacon around the person, the collar will train the dog to stay away.
"Sometimes their energy, their fear is so strong that it brings the dog to them," Millan said. "If you put it around a person who is afraid, it creates a halo around people."
Millan said he is excited to welcome more humans to the world of training in January, along with 12 new episodes of Better Human Better Dog. Millan said he also hopes to expand the show internationally.
"This thing can go forever," Millan said. "Better Human Better Dog Saudi Arabia, Better Human Better Dog China, Better Human Better Dog Africa, Better Human Better Dog Russia. Anywhere there is commotion, send me there."