ESSEX, England, Dec. 26 (UPI) -- British supergroup Gorillaz has released a new album -- produced mostly on an Apple iPad -- which can be downloaded for free, the band said.
Front man Damon Albarn also said the group will no longer perform live in its current form, The Guardian reported.
"I've never been someone who's embraced technology particularly," Albarn said. "I've always tried to keep true to my roots, which was just a four-track and a guitar, but I got given an iPad and I suddenly found myself in a position where I could make quite a sonically sophisticated record in my hotel room."
Albarn said the album called "The Fall" is a love letter to America.
"I used to be very baffled by this place, and I guess I still am in some ways," Albarn said. "But right now, with all that's going on, this is a good place to be."
The album can be downloaded from the group's Web site at A physical release of the record is planned for the New Year.
Albarn also said last week's Gorillaz concert in Auckland, N.Z., was the group's swan song -- least with the current lineup, The Guardian said.
"For us, this is the last time," he was quoted as saying.