
Steve Harvey on Oscars mix-up: 'Went to sleep early last night. So... what I miss?'

By Karen Butler
Presenter Warren Beatty is seen on a press room screen, trying to explain how "La La Land" was announced as Best Picture at the 89th annual Academy Awards at Lowes Hollywood Hotel in Los Angeles on February 26. Photo by Jim Ruymen/UPI
1 of 2 | Presenter Warren Beatty is seen on a press room screen, trying to explain how "La La Land" was announced as Best Picture at the 89th annual Academy Awards at Lowes Hollywood Hotel in Los Angeles on February 26. Photo by Jim Ruymen/UPI | License Photo

Feb. 27 (UPI) -- Steve Harvey, a comedian with experience announcing the wrong name at an awards ceremony, is weighing in on that awkward, Moonlight-La La Land Oscar mix-up.

Harvey made headlines around the world when he wrongfully named the runner-up as the winner of the 2015 Miss Universe pageant.


Sunday evening, presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway were mistakenly given the wrong envelope and announced La La Land as the Best Picture Oscar winner when the honor rightfully went to Moonlight.

"Good morning everybody! Went to sleep early last night. So... what I miss?" Harvey tweeted Monday.

"Call me Warren Beatty. I can help you get through this!" read another post.

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