
Google celebrates Doodle for Google U.S. winner Maisie Derlega

By Sheri Elfman
Wednesday's Google Doodle features art by the Maisie Derlega, 2024's U.S. Doodle for Google winner. Screenshot courtesy of Google Doodle
Wednesday's Google Doodle features art by the Maisie Derlega, 2024's U.S. Doodle for Google winner. Screenshot courtesy of Google Doodle

June 26 (UPI) -- Maisie Derlega is the 2024 Doodle for Google National Winner. Maisie's winning entry was inspired by her family's Sunday dinner tradition.

This year's Doodle for Google contest theme was "My wish for the next 25 years...," which struck a chord with Maisie as she thought about her impending college life. She thought of how her family dinners were a safe space for her.


Maisie wanted to immortalize her family bonds and shared moments around the dinner table. She created a Doodle with the Google logo on a dinner table filled with food.

"Every Sunday night is filled with chaos, laughter and the smell of food in my household," Maisie said. "The standing invitation goes to any friends and family in the area. As my life grows and changes, my wish for the next 25 years is that this tradition remains a constant."

Maisie won a $55,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 technology package for her school.

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