
New Pokémon games 'Sun' and 'Moon' announced for Nintendo 3DS

By Wade Sheridan

TOKYO, Feb. 26 (UPI) -- Celebrating Pokémon's 20th anniversary, Nintendo has announced the next two entries in the popular series, Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon.

Officially revealed Friday during Nintendo's special Pokémon Nintendo Direct briefing, Sun and Moon were announced for the Nintendo 3DS with a holiday 2016 release date.


The Nintendo Direct featured a nostalgic look at the series featuring Pokémon players from around the world experiencing the game and its many iterations throughout its 20 year history.

While no new gameplay footage was shown, Nintendo did announce the titles would include for the first time traditional and simplified Chinese language options, making Pokémon more accessible for millions.

The company also revealed that first-generation Pokémon adventures Red, Blue and Yellow, would be made available as digital downloads on the 3DS eShop staring Saturday.

"The Pokémon core series games are the center of the Pokémon universe and provide some of the most memorable Pokémon moments for our fans," Pokémon Company marketing director J.C. Smith said in a statement to Gamespot.

"I can't wait to see what fans think of the new adventures they'll find in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon."


Recently, Nintendo revealed a new Mythical Pokémon, Magearna, who is set to appear in an upcoming animated movie.

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