Amy Schumer gives jury ice pops, cake and "Cosby sweaters" in new episode of "Inside Amy Schumer." Photo by David Becker/UPI |
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NEW YORK, May 27 (UPI) -- Comedian Amy Schumer starred as the increasingly infamous Bill Cosby's defense attorney in the "court of public opinion" on Tuesday's episode of Inside Amy Schumer, and there were pudding pops involved.
Schumer's character -- donning a tan suit with a short pencil skirt -- shimmied and bribed her way into the jury and judge's hearts using gifts and a little multimedia to help soften the "pang" that may occur if Cosby is proven guilty of the sexual assault and drugging allegations placed against him.
After the tense prosecutor presented evidence that "clearly points to guilt," Schumer began her defense with a little music and a cutesy dance.
"Woo! That was already fun, wasn't it?" she asked after the music stopped, the jury visibly refreshed and entertained. "Right? Did everybody feel happy just now? Remember? I know I did."
"You've heard an awful lot from the prosecution over the last few weeks about stuff that may -- or may not -- have happened," she continued comically. "All these women. Same story. Same facts. Repetitive! And how'd that feel to listen to? Blah, right? How do you feel when I play this?"
Schumer's character then rolled up a television to show a clip from The Cosby Show, and the jury laughed. "Did anyone feel raped by that? How about drugged?" she said.
"No? Me neither. I felt comforted by a familiar father figure. Nostalgia. Happiness. Laughter. Not guilty! Let's break this down logically," she continued. She went on to affirm that she herself was "a good person" and that The Cosby Show was also a "good" show. "Last time I checked, good plus good did not equal guilty."
The flustered prosecutor could hardly contain her disgust, but was overruled by the judge every time she yelled "objection!" He, too, joined in the fun.
"This is a court of public opinion, right?" Schumer addressed the room after giving away snacks and colorful sweaters not unlike those Dr. Huxtable wore in The Cosby Show.
"Let's remind ourselves what's at stake here. If convicted, the next time you put on a rerun of The Cosby Show, you may wince a little. You might feel a little pang. And none of us deserve that! We don't deserve to feel that pang! We deserve to dance like no one's watching and watch like no one's raping," she said.
"The defense rests!"
But just before the segment ends, a delivery man walks into the courtroom bearing gifts from Cosby himself -- a chocolate cake for the jury and a special olive martini for his defense lawyer.
"Ms. Schumer, Cosby wanted to thank you for defending him," the messenger said, handing her the drink. But when no one was looking, the actress and comedian threw the drink over her shoulder with a smile.
Inside Amy Schumer airs on Comedy Central Tuesdays at 10:30 p.m..