"As Ashton and I became friends, he said, 'You know, you can't -- if someone gets physical with you -- you're just going to have to take it,' which weirdly enough ... definitely the most famous bit on the show in all the years was the Punk'ing of Justin Timberlake. What made it so viral, I guess, was that he had cried at one point in it," Shepard explained. "And at the end of that bit, when Ashton comes out and says, 'You're on Punk'd' blah blah blah, and everyone is celebrating ... the bit is over, the cameras are off, and [Timberlake] keeps saying, 'Yeah, man. I was about to f*cking punch you.' And I was like, 'Hmm mmm, alright.'"
Shepard went on to say Timberlake kept on saying things like, "Dude, I was for real man, I was about to [expletive] punch you out" and he thought, "OK, that's number two."
"I'm thinking, how many times can I hear this dude in his golf outfit -- he was wearing a golf outfit -- tell me he can punch me out before I'm just not going to be able to handle it?" Shepard said.
But before he could do anything, Kutcher intervened.
"And God Bless Ashton. He goes, 'When were you going to punch him? Before or after you were crying?'"