
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 6 (UPI) -- Nadya Suleman's publicist says NBC didn't pay the California woman, who gave birth to octuplets last week, to be interviewed by Ann Curry.

"To clarify a comment I erred in making to a Los Angeles Times reporter, there was no payment of any sort by the NBC network to our client, Nadya Suleman, for her interview with Ann Curry," said a statement issued by the Killeen Furtney Group, Suleman's representatives.


Suleman, who reportedly is unmarried and unemployed, became the center of a medical ethics firestorm when it became known she had six children ages 2 to 7 before she gave birth to the octuplets, which were conceived by in vitro fertilization.

NBC said Thursday Curry's exclusive interview with Suleman will air on "The Today Show" and "Dateline" in the coming days.

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