
Luciano Pavarotti out of hospital

MODENA, Italy, Aug. 26 (UPI) -- Italian opera singer Luciano Pavarotti has won one battle in his war with pancreatic cancer, returning home after more than two weeks of treatment.

Pavarotti, 71, was taken to a hospital in Modena, Italy, Aug. 8 after developing a fever, the BBC reported Sunday. After being admitted, he had tests related to his pancreatic cancer.


"All diagnostic tests having been completed," the hospital said when the singer checked out.

He has returned home, where he will "be able to continue to convalesce in the serenity of his family surroundings" with the support of doctors, it added.

Pavarotti removed himself from the public after having surgery to remove a tumor in July. His manager said after the operation that the tumor had been "completely removed," and that the tenor was "feeling stronger" and recording an album of classical religious music.

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