
Ted Nugent erects monument to mom

PALATINE, Ill., July 27 (UPI) -- Hard rocker Ted Nugent will show a softer side at a Palatine, Ill., pub when he unveils a monument to his mom, the "positive inspiration" in his life.

The 7,800-pound tribute, to be revealed Wednesday, has been a dream for Nugent and local musician Eric Kinkel, a fan of Marion Nugent since her days as a columnist for Illinois Entertainer, where she dispensed "Dear Abby"-type advice and inspiration, the Chicago Sun Times reported Friday. She died at age 62 in the late 1980s.


"She represents all the positive inspiration in my life," Nugent said. "The love affair, the spiritual adulation and continuance of 'Ma' Nugent's energy is with me every day."

That didn't mean his mom was a square peg who tried to change her son's career choice or cut his flowing mane.

"I didn't change the lyrics to 'Wang Dang Sweet PoonTang' or anything but I was constantly reminded of her presence to always take the high road and be a gentleman at all costs," Nugent said.

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