
Simpson, Shatner DirecTV ads pulled

NEW YORK, Feb. 6 (UPI) -- A New York judge ordered DirecTV ads featuring Jessica Simpson and William Shatner pulled while Time Warner Cable's false advertising lawsuit proceeds.

Time Warner, the nation's second-largest cable provider, sued DirecTV, saying among other things, DirecTV's ads about its high definition programming being superior to cable programming were misleading.


DirecTV will still be allowed to use comparative advertising about overall picture quality compared to Time Warner Cable, the judge said.

Shatner reprised his "Star Trek" role of Capt. James T. Kirk, saying, "With what Starfleet just ponied up for the big screen TV, settling for cable would be illogical."

Simpson revisited her Daisy Duke character from "The Dukes of Hazzard" movie, telling viewers, "You're just not going to get the best picture out of some fancy big-screen TV without DirecTV. It's broadcast in 1080i. I totally don't know what that means, but I want it."

In its lawsuit filed in December, Time Warner claimed that DirecTV misled Time Warner subscribers in New York about the availability of NFL broadcasts.


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