
Modern Monopoly includes name-brand tokens

NEW YORK, Sept. 12 (UPI) -- When the new edition of Hasbro's Monopoly hits U.S. stores, the popular board game will offer eight new tokens -- five based on real-life brands.

The New York Times reported Tuesday while the company's new Here and Now edition also offers new locales to purchase, players will be able to chose between being represented by a New Balance running shoe, a Starbucks cup of coffee, a Motorola Razr cell phone, an order of French fries from McDonald's or a Toyota Prius hybrid car.


While many have said the new pieces represent a justified modernization of an age-old game, Gary Ruskin of the nonprofit group Commercial Alert says the change reflects nothing but corruptive commercialization.

"It's part of the insinuation of the commercial culture into every aspect of our lives," Ruskin said. "It's a shame Hasbro has chosen to go this low road."

Joining the name brand pieces in the reinvention of Monopoly, which has sold over 250 million units in its 71-year history, will be a laptop computer, a jet and a Labradoodle to replace the game's miniature Scottish terrier.

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