
Blaine creates magic for Israeli children

HAIFA, Israel, Aug. 14 (UPI) -- David Blaine, one of most famous magicians in the world, is set to perform in Israeli youth villages and at Hatzor Israeli air force base.

Blaine, 33, is to arrive in Israel Tuesday for a 5-day visit with residents of Northern Israel, reported. The magician is a guest of the United Jewish Communities-Federations of North America and Federation of New York and the America-Israel Friendship League.


Blaine, whose most recent feat was living a week in a water tank at New York City's Lincoln Center, will visit youth villages that have been home to children since the beginning of the war.

Blaine is also scheduled to go to Ziv and Rambam hospitals and travel to Haifa, Deir-el-Assad and Kiryat Bialik.

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