
Air America losing altitude in New York

NEW YORK, Aug. 3 (UPI) -- The liberal radio network Air America is moving to a weaker AM signal in New York due to down ratings and shaky finances, the New York Post reported.

The talk radio network failed to renew its two-year lease with the owners of WLIB (1190 AM), forcing left-wingers such as Al Franken to broadcast from WWRL (1600 AM) -- which has a weaker signal -- beginning Sept. 1, the newspaper said.


"Air America" executives had previously run into trouble at WLIB after the station's owners -- Pierre Sutton and his father, former Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton -- discovered the network's financial situation.

Negative publicity involving loans from a Bronx charity to Air America when the network was starting up, helped make the relationship between the two sides more precarious, the newspaper said.

WLIB may be leased next month to Clear Channel's Randy Michaels, who has reportedly shown interest in originating a talk-show network from the station.

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