
Sarandon reveals death threats

LONDON, April 30 (UPI) -- Actress Susan Sarandon told an interviewer in London she has been threatened with death for questioning U.S. policy in Iraq.

The longtime political activist said she has been branded "a (Osama) bin Laden lover" and made to feel isolated and frightened by death threats and verbal attacks.


In an interview broadcast Sunday, Sarandon said she believes there should have been more debate before the war in 2003, but anyone who questioned U.S. policy was labeled "un-American," the Independent reported.

She said the way she and her family have been targeted by the media and the public was "horrifying."

"I don't think that I ever thought someone would ever really kill me, although there were some people who said, 'I'd like to knock her off,' on the radio and stuff like that," she said.

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