NEW YORK, April 27 (UPI) -- "Long Island Lolita" Amy Fisher said Thursday she was high on ecstasy when she shot Mary Jo Buttafuoco in the head at her New York home in May 1992.
Fisher -- 31 and a married mother of two -- told "Entertainment Tonight" and "The Insider" Thursday she was a teenage drug addict and alcohol abuser while sleeping with Buttafuoco's auto mechanic husband, Joey, the New York Post reported.
"I was using ecstasy, a lot of ecstasy. It made me feel stronger and confident," Fisher told "The Insider."
Fisher said although she was high when she went to the Buttafuoco's home on May 19, 1992, she remembers talking to her victim as well as pulling the trigger.
"I could drive, I could go to school," Fisher said, adding she considered herself a "functional" user of ecstasy. "I had built up such a tolerance to it, I could function."
Fisher spent seven years in jail for first-degree assault, her adult lover was jailed four months for statutory rape and her victim was left with partial paralysis in her face from the shooting.