
FX wants 'Rescue Me' for second season

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 26 (UPI) -- The FX cable network has renewed "Rescue Me," a show centered around New York firefighters starring Denis Leary.

The first season of the series ends Oct. 13, with the show's second season now set to begin in mid-2005, the New York Post reported Thursday.


"It's all cake from here. Now I actually have time to think about what I want to write next," said Peter Tolan, who created the show with Leary.

With several episodes remaining, Tolan hints there will be more injuries and a death before the first season ends.

Tolan also said he would resist creating any storylines from current headlines surrounding an actual FDNY sex scandal.

"I think we want to keep the FDNY on our side and I don't think they would look at us too kindly if we're sitting there like jackals waiting for the next headline," Tolan said.

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